Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

If you are a real estate agent or are considering buying a home or lot in Forest Lake, please read our CC&R’s in full. Lot and home buyers must understand and comply with all covenants, conditions, and restrictions in this document.

Below is a selection of items from our CC&R’s.

5. General Use

…The use of the [real estate in Forest Lake], or any portion thereof, shall be for single-family residences and/or agricultural uses…. Mobile homes, tents, RVs, trailers or shacks of any size are prohibited as either temporary or permanent residences on the owners land…. No portion shall be used in whole or in part for the storage of rubbish of any character whatsoever, nor for the storage of any property or thing that will cause said property to appear in an…untidy condition or that will be obnoxious to the eye….

6. Design Review Committee

6.1. All dwellings, garages, guesthouses and accessory buildings are subject to pre-approval of the architectural design review committee. The design review committee will review both the preliminary and final exterior plans for all structures, including, but not limited to residences, garages, guest houses, storage buildings and fencing. The design review committee will review all site plans, initial and major landscape plans, major revisions, construction timetable and financing. All buildings within the Forest  Lake Homeowners Association must conform to accepted tenets of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. The design review committee will act as sole arbiter for what is permissible as conforming to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

6.2. A full set of digital final building floor plans, elevations, and site plans shall be submitted to the design review committee for approval before building may begin. Once approved, the approval notification will be sent to the lot owner via email….No building may begin without approval from the design review committee.

7. Design Review Committee Approval Process and Road Construction Fee

…As new construction invariably creates degradation of the existing roads, a one-time fee of $750.00 shall be received by the FLHOA prior to formal approval being granted by the DRC. The members of the DRC shall verify that this fee has been received prior to issuing written approval for construction to proceed.

10. Road Maintenance

…The FLHOA board of directors at its sole discretion shall set in writing the amount of the annual FLHOA dues per parcel to be able to pay for road repair, maintenance, adjacent mowing and snow removal of all main entrances and exits. Historically, additional rock is paid for by the individual homeowners on the road immediately adjacent and leading up to their properties.

14. Exterior Surfaces and Immediate Surroundings

14.1. The exterior of all buildings erected on any lot shall be completed in a workmanlike manner within two years after commencement of said construction or the FLHOA, at its sole discretion, has the right to levy a $10,000 lien against the property for unsightly violation, if such violation is not cured within 30 days of posting the violation to the owner of such property.

16. Hunting

No hunting is allowed within the lands owned by the FLHOA, whether these lands are privately owned or common ground…. Any structure installed for the purpose to facilitate the process of hunting in any way is strictly prohibited.

20. Business Operated on Said Real Estate

A business may be operated within a single-family residence or outbuilding, if the nature of the business requires that the owner or occupant of the single-family residence maintains an “in-home” office or small shop, but in no event shall the character or nature of said business be such that a majority of said business occurs on account of visits or trips to the said real estate by clients, customers, and or business associates.

21. Lot Division

21.1 Secondary Dwelling Units: A secondary dwelling unit shall be permitted on each parcel, lot, or privately owned Tract as long as both it and the primary dwelling units are within a single building. Rental of the secondary units for periods of less than one year is not permitted. Occupancy of the secondary unit is restricted to the following:

A. a caretaker for the resident(s) of the primary unit, or
B. a relative of an occupant of the primary unit, or
C. if the primary residence is owner-occupied, the secondary unit may be rented under a long- term lease which extends for a minimum of one year.

21.2 Lot Division and House Size: Forest Lake HOA shall consist of two zones:

Zone A shall consist of lots 35-48 and tracts F, and G1-G3.

Zone B shall consist of all other lots and tracts, including Lots 21-34 and Lots 49-74.

In Zone A the minimum lot size shall be 2.5 acres. There is no minimum house size.

In Zone B the minimum Lot size shall be 4.0 acres. In Zone B the minimum house size shall be 1200 square feet,…with a minimum of 1000 square feet on the ground floor.

23. Lighting

…all exterior lighting such as porch or yard lights etc., shall be subdued and reflected downward…. Driveway, entrance and yard floodlights shall not be left on all night.

24. Parking

Permanent vehicles at one’s primary residence will be screened from view from the roadway by the use of plantings, carports and garages.

29. Effect of Non-payment of Assessment

Any assessment payment not received within 14 days of the due date will incur a late charge of 5%. If any assessment is not received within 30 days after the second due date, the assessment will accrue interest at 6 percentage points (6%) higher than the current yield of a 3-year treasury bill. If such assessment is not paid within 60 days after the due date, then the FLHOA may … bring an action … to foreclose the lien against the lot.

32. Abatement

In the event that any owner violates any of the terms or conditions of these restrictions and fails to cure the same within thirty days after written notice thereof then the FLHOA … shall have the express right and privilege and license to enter upon any property to take any reasonable legal action to cure such violation, and all reasonable costs thereof shall be at the expense of the owner of such property.

If you have decided to buy a home or lot in Forest Lake, you are responsible for  reading and understanding our CC&R’s in full.




Forest Lake Homeowners Association

Fairfield, Iowa

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